Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Christmas Holiday Pay and more Snow Day Information

The incredible amount of snow we've experienced this fall has wreaked havoc with transportation in the London area and especially in the counties.  It has prompted many questions with respect to the rules regarding what takes place when there are bus delays and/or cancellations when the OT has managed to get themselves to the school. What happens if they get to the school and there aren't any students to teach due to bus cancellations and delays?

The rules are:
Bus delays: OTs go to the assignment and will be paid (regardless of whether the school is 100% bussed)
Bus delays that later become cancellations: you are expected to arrive at the assignment and will be paid (regardless of whether it is 100% bussed)
Bus cancellations at a 100% bussed school: the school will be closed, your assignment is cancelled and you will not be paid
Bus cancellation at all other schools: OTs are expected to arrive at the assignment and will be paid

There are several sources to learn about bus cancellations and school closures:  listen to the radio, visit radio websites and of course the TVDSB website. The most accurate information regarding which schools are closed is found on the Board's homepage.  This information is posted daily and updated throughout the day.  It is the source you should refer to first.

Another frequently asked question is in regards to pay over the Christmas Holidays for LTOs.  If you refer to your pocket calendar, you'll notice there are no teaching days listed for the January 14th deposit date. Be assured that as an LTO, you get the same annual pay as a permanent teacher with the same grid placement, however, your pay is divided into the 194 teachings days as per diem salary.  In other words, permanent teachers have to wait 12 months to receive their full salary while as an LTO, you will receive yours 2 weeks after your last teaching day.

N.B. This is our final Wednesday BLOG for the 2010 calendar year.  The BLOG will not be posted over the Christmas Break.
See you on January 5th, 2011 . 
Happy Holidays to everyone!  

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Regarding Snow Days.....

LTOs will be paid for the snow days but according to the Collective Agreement: Article 16.05 b)   In the event of inclement weather, Occasional Teachers will receive information on the status of school closures or delays in openings by the normal Board communication process.  Notice of closure due to inclement weather will be deemed to meet the minimum notice requirement of Article 16.05 (a).
The "normal" communication process includes the radio and the TVDSB web page, so in this case those notices were sufficient to meet the provisions of the Agreement.
On another note, having 3 unscheduled days off can be either rewarding with time off for oneself or unnerving with the winter break quickly approaching.  Teachers and students alike must now scramble to make up for lost time.  Do so with ease and thought for the students - we're all in the same boat.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Reap the Benefits of Giving

Our Fall General Meeting on November 24th last, was a very well attended event whereby attendees were able to mingle amongst their peers in the beautiful setting of Sunningdale Golf Club. Over 150 guests attended the meeting, heard speakers who motivated, encouraged and inspired us and enjoyed a delicious dinner. Attendees were asked to bring donations to Merrymount's Family Support and Crisis Centre which has children up to age 12 years of age in it's Overnight Care Program - our members did not disappoint!  Merrymount's Executive Director - Ailene Wittstein, was in attendance and was overwhelmed by the number of donations brought in for Merrymount.  These were delivered to Merrymount the following morning because there were too many to fit in Ms. Wittstein's vehicle.  The staff and children were overcome with excitement.  Here comes the good part folks:  the following day, one of our members was teaching and after the last bell of the day had rung, a little girl came running back into the classroom  looking for the new hat that she had just received from Merrymount- she did not want to leave it behind!  Now doesn't that make you feel great?
We would like to thank those of you who advised our office of any cancellations.  This allowed  members who were on a waiting list to attend.  This consideration not only allows other members to participate, but of equal importance, does not waste your membership dues as the cost of these events is determined by the number of meals we advise the host venue we will require - your consideration in this respect is most appreciated.