Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Professional Boundaries: Part 2

Extra-Curricular Activities:

               DO:                                                                                 DON'T:

- transportation available for students                       - don't volunteer to drive
  (if going to event)                                                         (re:  students home)
- partner two people (adults)                                     -  don't be alone with a student
- ensure liability coverage                                          -  don't scrimmage with students
- follow the OPHEA Guidelines                                  -  don't be critical of students'
  (Guidelines re:  Safety)                                                abilities
- have current first aid training (kit)                            
- be encouraging                                                      
- parents are of their responsibilities,
  e.g. timing, permission forms, equipment                                    
- keep in mind that activities are voluntary
- establish criteria for team selection and
  emergency protocol
- keep doors open at all times


              DO:                                                                                  DON'T:

- be fair                                                                           -  single out
- recognize there is a due process                             -  avoid discipline
  (Code of Conduct)                                                      -  use the "f" word
- positive reinforcement                                                -  debate / get drawn into
- procedures must protect the teacher who                  power struggle
  did not do it                                                                  -  attack ancestry
- procedures must be appropriate to                          -  make racial slurs
  individual and circumstance                                      -  whine, cry or assume
- focus on behaviour, not child                                        fetal position
- be firm                                                                           -  reveal confidential info
- detach emotionally                                                      -  over-react
- be kind, calm                                                                -  touch
- communicate (with parents)                                        -  react physically, vocally
- document                                                                      -  use sarcasm
- keep administration informed
- be consistent


             DO:                                                                                  DON'T:

- smiles, nodding  =  positive                                         -  obscene gestures -
- congratulating gestures                                                    e.g. "the finger"
  e.g. handshake, thumbs up, high five                             - hitting motions -          
                                                                                               e.g. clenched fist
                                                                                             -  throwing things -
                                                                                               e.g. chalk
                                                                                           - facial expressions -
                                                                                                e.g. Duh?  Hello?
                                                                                           -  mocking gestures -
                                                                                                e.g. limp, crazy
                                                                                           -  no typing up gestures
                                                                                           -  mock throttling


           DO:                                                                                  DON'T:

- legislation                                                                      - personal family information
- Children's Aid Society                                                    shared in confidence
- Board Policy                                                                  - negative reports about / of
- seek outside support                                                      colleagues
  (Professional Relations Services)

Save the Date for our Upcoming PD Event on February 23, 2015 from 4:30 - 7:30 PM at the Best Western Lamplighter Inn.  Details and Registration will be available through our website in the next few days.

In Honour of Mental Health Awareness please click on the following link of Howie Mandel bringing awareness to this issue-

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Professional Boundaries Part I; Podcast Opportunity

Every now and then situations arise that require us to take a moment to decide which course of action is required.  How many times have we said to ourselves:  "why did I do/say that? "
The following is a short list regarding DO's and DON'Ts that may provide some guidance in some situations.


          DO:                                                                                        DON'T:

- ensure that the school administrator                           -  write anything in haste
  has seen and okay'd notes home                                    that could be subject to
  to parents,                                                                           misinterpretation
     re:  entire class
     re:  sensitive issues

- utilize, factual comments rather                                  -  threaten, use negatives
  than interpretations,
  hearsay - "be tactful"

-  write notes when you are calm rather                        -  communicate in written
  than in the "heat of the moment"                                   form when a verbal
                                                                                            discussion would suffice
-  keep copies of communications sent

-  be wary of grammatical structures
  and spelling


            DO:                                                                                      DON'T:

-  calm                                                                           -  swear
-  positive                                                                     -  threaten
-  professional                                                              -  intimidate
-  non-judgemental                                                      -  sarcasm
-  non-racial                                                                 -  use personal attack
-  reflective                                                                  -  yell
-  restate or "rephrase" to increase                               -  demean
  understanding                                                            - use "isms"
-  be polite                                                                    -  use the "past"
-  be receptive                                                             -  trivialize
-  be open, honest, fair                                               -  use slanderous language
-  think before you speak, take a                               -  say things you will regret later
  deep breath
-  empathize                                                            


           DO:                                                                                      DON'T:

-   be trained where necessary:
   Section 19   (C I P)
   (Crisis Intervention Prevention)
-   age appropriate
-   real/perceived abuse
-   make it appropriate for the safety of
   yourself and others
-   reduce risk
-   be sensitive to cultural adversity


The following publications and podcasts are a joint project of ETFO and OISE, summarizing current research findings relevant to teaching in elementary schools. Each issue, written by university researchers, focuses on a body of research within a particular domain.
The following 4 – 7 minute podcasts / publications can be found at:

·       Parent Engagement
·       Formative Assessment to Support Student Learning
·       School-Based Family Literacy Intervention Programs
·       Why the Arts Matter
·       Prevent Bullying by Promoting Healthy Relationships
·       Managing Teacher-Student Relationships: A Minimalist Approach
·       Teaching English Language Learners
·       Equity, Social Justice and the Inclusive Classroom
·       Using Digital Technologies to Support Literacy Instruction


Wednesday, January 14, 2015

OTF Connects - Upcoming webinars

OTF Professional Learning Update, January 8, 2015

The Ontario Teachers' Federation supports self-directed teacher learning through OTF Connects, our free professional learning webinar program.  All OTF members are invited to participate in live 90-minute sessions, which offer a myriad of topics relevant to educators.  A computer and an internet connection are all that is required.Recordings and all related resources are available through our Past Webinars and Resources page.

To register, click on titles in the list of upcoming sessions below or browse our January to June calendar to register for additional topics that are of interest to you.

Jan. 12   The Journey to Digital Leadership, Susan Watt
Jan. 13   Working the Math Processes through BYOD - Part 3, Jaclyn Calder
Jan. 14   Using Manipulatives for Problem-Solving in the Primary Classroom, Mary-Kay Goindi
Jan. 20   Becoming Fearless with Fractions!, Cathy Griffin
Jan. 21   Making the Most of an iPad in an Elementary Classroom, Susan Watt & Trish Morgan
Jan. 22   Engaging Students in Mathematics Through Critical Inquiry, Maria Vamvalis, TC2
Jan. 27   OTF Planboard - Online Planning Made Easy, Andrew Bieronski
Jan. 28   Natural Curiosity, Andrea Cousineau
Jan. 29   Beginner Google Classroom, Jaclyn Calder
Feb. 2    Introducing Proportional Reasoning and Extensions With the 4-Part Math Lesson Framework, Kyle Pearce
Feb. 5    Foundations for Critical Thinking, Garfield Gini-Newman
Feb. 11  Energize your Business Studies Classes Without the Use of a Textbook, Daniel Lustrinelli, OBEA
Feb. 12  Creating Interactive Math Classes through BYOD, Jaclyn Calder

Missed a session?  Find recordings and resources from previous OTF Connects on our extensive Resources page.

Please visit for this year's PD offerings.

Contact :
Twitter:   @otf_pd   @otffeo

Mailing address is:

Ontario Teachers' Federation
1300 Yonge Street
Suite 200
Toronto, On  M4T 1X3

Wednesday, January 7, 2015


The Wealth Gap
As the middle class in Canada continues to erode, we encourage you to view and to share widely the following 4 minute video because inequality in Canada is much worse than we think it is.  Do what you can ensure that this becomes an issue in the next federal election.  Please go to:

Since November, more than two dozen women have come forward with claims that Bill Cosby sexually assaulted them, with some saying he drugged them before the attack.  Because the Ontario venues cannot cancel the scheduled shows without legal penalty, these shows will go ahead and this includes the show scheduled January 8th at Budweiser Gardens.  Megan Walker, executive director of the London Abused Women's Centre, said she's not surprised people are trying to dump tickets to the show.

"We've had calls from people who said they can't give them away," she said.  "They're livid the show isn't being cancelled, so they're going to go to the show and heckle and exercise their right to free speech."  We urge ticket holders to rethink attending this performance because as K.Kerfoot once said, "What we permit, we promote."  A protest is planned for 6 p.m. outside Budweiser Gardens the night of the show.

January 8th, PD Event at the BMO Centre
We are looking forward to seeing everyone at the BMO Centre tomorrow afternoon for our PD Event.  Registration is closed but if you would like to attend, please call our office as we have spots available.  519-641-3936.